Greetings bloggees. My last post referred to me resting my shoulder. Well, the injury, the ensuing holidays, turned me into a fat mess in very short time. Basically I fell awkwardly playing hockey and did something to my shoulder muscle. After a couple x-rays and some time on the couch, I eased back into things in early January and February. I still could not swim; as every time I got into the pool, I immediately felt the familiar pain. So I started focusing on light weights and lots of shoulder movements and began training the other two disciplines, by far my least favorite.
So now I am back. Last week I spent Tuesday doing all three with a group at the gym. Thursday was weights and running. This week should be more of the same.
I learned some good lessons from the experience. I was following a workout program a little too strenuously and not allowing enough time in between for rest. I'm not out there to win the race, I am out there to compete in it. I feel like my body was telling me to slow down, give yourself an off-season to recharge, and get back at it. Last week's pool workout was pretty easy even though I was out of it since Dec 1. Plus the running and cycling have caught up so I am in good position to move forward. I also learned to try to give myself plenty of rest. I never really though of myself as over-training. But, I would feel really bad if I missed a workout Now, if I need an extra day for rest or I need to focus on work for the whole day I will take it and re-charge myself for the next day.
I am in a much more confident place with my training now than I was last fall and I am totally excited for this year.
So tomorrow I will get in the pool at a nice easy pace, do my cycling and then its off for a run. I can't wait. As long as I can get up at 5AM. Pray for me.
Song in My Head: "Lazy Eye" Silversun Pickups http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjXwbmjumAg
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